
ceramic paper. bam.

why does fishs eddy taunt me with stuff like this? are they trying to hurt me? i saw these cups & plates ages ago, and still have a sharp pang every time i realize they are still not mine, and still unbelievably apropos for me-the OCD paper lover. sigh...
can someone out there buy these, and make me even more jealous by telling me how fantabulous they are? mom, add this to my xmas/birthday list (yes, i am one of those tragic children who's birthday is 3 weeks after xmas...boo. if i ever decide to procreate, i will refrain from any sex around the months of march & april to prevent the possibility of this occuring for my kid. mid-december/early january birthdays are THE WORST. you either get jipped because everyone is saving up for the most overblown holiday of the year, or get all the on sale/returned items left over. not cool.)